prior to your Microblading appointment:
-To ensure best results, make sure your health is in good condition. get enough rest, eat well, exercise.
-72 hours before and after your microblading/microstroking appointment avoid alcohol and aspirin.
-One week before: stop taking the following supplements (Vitamin E, B6, Omega 3, Gingko Biloba, St. John's Wort) as they contribute to thinning the blood and may affect anesthetic efficacy. You may resume taking your vitamins 72 hours after.
-On the day of your appointment avoid: caffeine and exercise. Wash your hair in the morning as you will need to avoid water touching your eyebrows for several days. Baths are recommended.
-Pigments during microstroking are not implanted as deep into the skin as a traditional tattoo or even micropigmentation with an electric permanent makeup device. This allows for healed results of very fine, thin, and crisp hair lines, however, results do not last as long as traditional methods. A color boost is required usually between 18-24 months. A touch-up may be required at 12 months or sooner for oily-skinned clients. Pigment retention varies depending on skin type, age, immune system, medications, certain chemicals, and the type of pigment used.
After Care instructions:
Immediately following your procedure, I will apply a layer of ointment in order to protect your freshly opened layer of skin from debris and bacteria. 30 minutes after procedure, you will "rinse" the eyebrow area with warm water and a cotton ball or swab, you will need to remove all LYMPH and ointment. Re apply new thin layer of ointment. * Removing lymph will create less or no "scabbing" which can take out pigment as they heal.*
*You will repeat this at least 3 to 5 times the FIRST DAY ONLY. If your procedure is done late in the day and you're unable to remove lymph at least 3 times before bed, you will need to apply ointment and cover with plastic wrap to keep from drying out overnight.
- Next 7 days, you will apply a thin layer of ointment a couple times a day until healed.
-No itching, no rubbing. To avoid infection and/or bald spots on the brow, it is important not to pick or rub at the pigment that may start to peel or flake off. Let this occur naturally.
-Many brows will need up to 1 month to fully heal. Touch-ups will be scheduled 1 month out to retouch any bald spots and to ensure brows are perfectly even.
Avoid the following for the first 7 days:
*Increased sweating
-Practicing sports
-Hot sauna, hot bath, Jacuzzi
-Sun tanning or salon tanning
-Any laser or chemical treatments or peelings, and/or any creams containing RetinA or Glycolic Acid on the face or neck
-Picking, peeling, or scratching at the micro pigmented area in order to avoid scarring of the area or removal of the pigment
-Preforming tasks related to heavy household cleaning such as garage or basement cleaning where there is a lot of airborne debris
-Drinking alcohol in excess, as it may lead to slow healing of wounds
-Driving in open air vehicles such as convertibles, boats, bicycles, or motorcycles
-Touching of the eyebrow area except for when applying the post care cream with a cotton swab